
The Mind relieved

Reading used to be my thing.

You know, slap down 20 bucks, sit in a crabby ol’ room with poor lighting and read for maybe an hour or two a day.

Exercise the mind, yea.

I did that.

Well, one day I thought, “darn this, 20 bucks for a few hours brain bashing?”

Instead I went out and brought the Braincerciser for 150 bucks, and that was with 50% off, and a 10% discount for cash. Then there was the one-off 3000 bucks medical payment for the screw-cap skull adaptation, but the insurance covered most of that. 20 bucks, tops, for me.

Now, every day I can come home, unscrew my skull, slap my brain on the Braincerciser and do something useful like watch the TV for a couple hours while my brain gets all the excercise it needs.

Figues like a good deal to me. 150 bucks for a guaranteed three year lifetime warranty, over 20 bucks a month for a book. Gotta be a saving.

Hey, they don’t call me Smart Smithy for nothing.

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