
the death of mr dragontail

The air hissed out like a snake as I stood there watching. His giant green wings wavered in the air and then began to fold and crumple into the giant green sea of plastic that was the mighty Mr. Dragontail. If only I’d hidden him better maybe he would have survived, but now it was too late. I knew when my cousin came to town that atleast one thing would be destroyed. I hoped it would be some item of little value. Something that could be sacrificed for the good of the team, but instead fate chose our beloved fourteen foot, $29.99 retail swimming pool floatie. I should have seen it coming really, just like a fairytale. There we were in the pool, doing the traditional pool thing, getting wet and splashing each other and picking on whoever happened to be the youngest at the time. Of course it was only a matter of time before picking on the littlest kid ran its course and our minds began to wonder. We set the stage for the fiercest swimming pool battle, a game of who could stay on Mr Dragontail the longest.

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