
Dream Colors

Light flooded the room, even though it was a pale gray light. The sky was overcast and it was raining, but not very hard. Miyuki stirred from her slumber. She sat up in her bed and looked out the window of her apartment.

“Ugh, i really don’t want to go to work today…”

she thought but still got up and put on a pot of coffee. It was just at that moment she remembered that she had had the weirdest dream last night.

She dreamed that she was painting a picture of a seaside town at twilight. Her pallet had had ten different colors that were so bright and great that they were indescribable, but beautiful.

“Dream colors.” Miyuki chuckled

But then she remembered that she had just finished the picture of the town when it sort of had sucked her into the portrait. Then she had woken up.

She grabbed a cup of the coffee she had made for herself and then headed to another window and looked at the city outside. Miyuki thought for a minute, about the dream.

“So real…

I’ll write it down soon.”

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