
no sense atal

A story about a gurl who could not see would probably be funny in many ways. But a scary story, now that you can tell for many days. In my opinion I am not making any sense cause I just lost my best friend now I am at rest. She left me for this place far away. Saying that I will see her in three years. But I will shorten that time I am telling you this cause I promise I would not cry on the day that you blew. Blew away from here to a far away land. But in many ways I had tears cause your last day here was just so dear. Tell me when you read this what do you think cause I know I may sound mad but that is not it I am just sad. Who knows what will happen now but tell you what I will see you soon cause I am the one with the Boom boom. Yeah that is funny I mad you laugh. But I wont hear it cause I am in the past. What you left behind you thought was dear but the story I am telling I say it with no fear. No fear of losing my best friend. But fear that I will never see her again

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