
Me too?!

I was stunned, the only sound was the car tires speeding across the dark asphalt.
“An…Angel? Like with the the big white wings and a halo?”I ask my eyes wide.
He glanced over and saw my reaction and gave the windshield a lopsided smile,” You don’t believe me do you?”
“Before I answer that and give up all hope of ever being sain again, can I ask you something?”
He nodded, his smle becoming a grin,”Yes?”
“Do you..” I paused not wanting to sound stupid,” can you go into people’s dreams?”
“So you noticed,”
“Is that a yes?”
He laughed,”Yes”
“Well then I believe you, but I must ask, why the cinderella theme?And why me?”
“We’ll the Cinderella wasn’t exactly my idea, it was yours, and I can only come if you’re thinking of me, or any guy acctually.”he replied.
“And me…?”
He sighed deeply,”Because, your an angel too.”

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