
When I See You

He got off the train & inhaled the country air. He looked to the left & then to the right, waiting to see her face. He walked up the stairs of the rusty train station. Looking for the exit into the main lobby expecting her to jump out of every corner. He walked outside of the station to find a woman who looks just like her. He got so excited but quickly back to himself because it wasnt her.

“I told her 10’o clock.” he whispered to himself.

He picks up his phone & pushes speed dial number 5 to directly connect to her. On his phone a picture of her so sweet smile appears & gets him so excited to see someone who he has such a strong connection to.

He looks to the right and sees a baby blue minivan slowly approach him. He removes his glasses and stares into the passenger side of the car to not see her. He becomes very confused because it wasnt her and starts to doubt if she’ll be ontime but she jumped out of the driver seat to say! “Laron!”

He dropped everything to tackle her to the ground with love.

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