
For Pizza...or More?

Nicole wrapped herself in a warm towel as she walked back inside into her house. She was in the pool with her two best friends when Ashley decided that they all go out for some pizza, and then meet up with their guyfriends. Everyone agreed….well almost everyone, all except for her. But Nicole didn’t want to be left out so she went with them.

It’s not that Nicole hated pizza or her guyfriends. It was because she felt as if one of her guyfriends wanted to be more than just friends. Just the thought of him ran a chill up her spine.

But yes, Nicole liked him too, but just as a friend, not a boyfriend. He was a nice guy, sensitive and funny. Any girl would fall for him, but not her. As her friends always said Nicole was different from everyone else. She didn’t want to be close to him because she had already developed a big crush on Joseph, the quarterback of her school and Chloe’s most recent boyfriend.

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