
insanity in the last age of men

From the journals of Charles Dupont leader of sensory missions inside contaminated zone 117: As i walked across the chaos wastes of America i lost all contact with reality. From then on i was in a world populated with demons and even greater beasts that would kill any human on site. It was not out of any perverse wish to kill or even out of anger, they killed out of curiosity, like a child pulls the wings off a bug. My amunition long ago spent, i was left only with my trusty cutlass which had saved me many times before. the human presence inside the contaminated zone was few and far between. Often i had run across creatures that in all appearances resembled humanity but to tell the truth i think they had lost that long ago. My only company on this journey was the wizard as some called him, a human survivor that actually lived inside the contaminated zone. every day he fought and killed these demons and if it were not for him i would not have made it out alive…

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