

My best friend IMed me

Writerforlife: I have bad news

Dreaming: What?

Writerforlife: Wes has a date to Homecoming

Dreaming: oh…

Writerforlife: U ok?

Dreaming: Yeah… I guess I’ll just have to find someone else

Writerforlife: Well… I hear Mr. Blizzake might ask you

Dreaming: Blake??? your kidding! he is so a Hot Pop! (Pop meaning popular)

Writerforlife: lol I like that and yeah he’s seriously planning on asking you

Dreaming: OMG

Writerforlife: I know!!!!

Dreaming: no, I mean HE’S ON!!!!

Writerforlife: well talk to him!!!!

Dreaming: but… I dunno

Writerforlife: Omg just do it! ttyl!

Writerforlife has signed off

Blizzake: Hey

Dreaming: hey

Blizzake: So… I was wondering if you’d like to hang out on Fri

Dreaming: sure

Blizzake: So why don’t I you come over at 7? we can watch a movie or something, or go to the movies, if you want to

I smile he’s nervous!

Dreaming: idc, lets just meet at the movies at 7

Blizzake: kk bye

Dreaming: bye

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