
School Knows

Andy’s mouth, which had been hanging open in shock snapped shut, “Nothing.”
I instantly felt terrible. He didn’t know about Blake and I, and the poor guy liked me! How could I be so heartless?
“Sorry,” I mumbled, “Im just…just in a bad mood today s’all. Didn’ mean to snap your head off.”
He laughed, “It’s ok, it’s not like I havn’t done it to you.”
True, he did get random depression fits and often took it out on other people. It was annoying, but if you gave him some space and let him know when he was being a retard he’d get over it.
I like that Andy can make you feel better when you’re feeling crappy.Thats why he’s my best guy friend. Not all friends can do that.
Blake walked with me to first hour so I could drop off my books. No one else was in the room.
“Your not upset because of Friday are you?” He looked worried, “And I’m sorry about kissing you.”
“No, no silly, I’m just… just don’t kiss me in front of Andy ok?”
“Oh, Andy. Duh I forgot he likes you.”
Wow, the entire school really does know.

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