
Brother Nikolai

It was well past midnight, the snow flurries swirled around the farm invisible in the new moon. Sitting behind the stonewall, listening, waiting for the vile thing to give itself away. Brother Nikolai scanned the darkness with his eyes, listening for anything that might give the creature away. The scent of rotting meat was everywhere but the putrid scent of evil was light leading Nikolai to believe he may be safe, thank the Angels.

He relaxed, sat with his back against the stone wall, brought out his Rosarium and began a meditation on the suffering of His Lord when the scent shifted. It had been a three day hunt and Brother Nikolai was down to his last Sanctus Astrum and two Sanctus telums. The creature had been terrorizing the village for weeks corpses littered the streets. “This is what we get when Vampires are allowed to be part of society;” Father Superior Constantine would say. “They may look and act like humans with a soul but they are soul less beasts destined for hell.”

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