
Bashing the Bully

He lifted his face from the muck. His whole outfit was covered in crap, there goes a good school picture for his mom. The bully stood over him like an imposing tower of stone fists clenched and brow slanted in anger. Nolan didn’t know what he had done to piss him off but, the bully was furious. He lifted Nolan up by the collar and through him against the school yard wall. Where were the teachers?Looked like Nolan had to stand up for himself again. As the bully stomped toward him Nolan slowly rose, when the bully was in striking distance Nolan launched himself up with an uppercut into the enemie’s chin. There was a slight cracking sound and the bully fell back stunned. Nolan brushed himself down and jumped at the bully, it was as if he was flying some classmates would say later, and pummeled him in the stomach. Seconds later it was over and Nolan stepped past his adversary and casually walked towards the school.

The bell rang and recess was over.
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