

“Fine,” Holden gave in as they got off the plane. “We’re going to my parents’ house, but just for now. Only until we plan our next move.” Scarlet didn’t answer until they were in the taxi cab.
“What’s she like?”
“Who? My mother? Ah, gosh. Well, her hair is brown, and she has soft knowing eyes-”
“No,” Scarlet interrupted. “I mean, her personality.”
“Oh. She strict… at first, but once you know her, you never want to leave her. I haven’t been back for… two years. She told me not to take the job at the college. She said that there wasn’t enough of an age difference.” Holden nudged Scarlet playfully. She bit her lower lip nervously as they pulled up to the door.
“Holden?” Called a woman when he stepped out of the cab.
“Hiya, Mum. I’m home.”

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