
Not Very Stable

My mother was never very stable. She was famous for it, around our block at least. She called everything she did an “experience.” She was really proud of having so may experiences in her life. She would tell you about each one in great length if you asked. I think she wrote them all down in a book so she wouldn’t forget any of them. We used to have to pick her up at the police station a lot. The police would get a call about a public disturbance and then bring her back. They never actually caught her doing anything really bad. The police eventually just brought her home for us. She would do things like buy twenty gold fish and sneak them into the pond at the park at night, naked. In boots so she didn’t get too wet. Another time she dressed up like a clown and made balloon animals for all the adults, not the kids. She set up a lemonade stand in the middle of N.Ave.. Mother went grocery shopping dressed like Glenda the Good. She built a Trojan Cow for the President, and sat in it untill we came to get her out.

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