

Gasping with exertion, she thrust Matt up onto the dock, her hands holding onto the edge for dear life. But she couldn’t hoist herself up-her magic wouldn’t let her. She could only stand not breathing water for several seconds before having to duck back down into the river.

“Matt,” she sobbed, her voice cracking, “Matt, no, don’t do this to me…”

She knew Matt needed help, and now. Half-baked plans whirled around in her head frantically, trailing through her thoughts. One, however, brought up memories, memories she had sworn never to bring up…

“You stole him!” she shrieked.

“No, no, that’s not it,” Laurielle begged.

“Forget it, I’m finding a new Partner”...

Searching through her memories, Laurielle found the dusty connection, fraying at the edges.

Glayelle? Glayelle, I need you.

For far too long a time, no answer came. Was the connection completely dissolved? Laurielle bit her lip.

What? a familiar, sharp voice finally answered.

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