
I've Done These Ficlets Before

Shut it!

I can write these things too. And I can write them way better than you. I don’t care if you are more popular, more widely read and more prolific. It’s the love you put into each little piece that counts.

I know, I know, I shouldn’t care about what almost certainly amounts to an automated process stealing all the glory from me, but damn it man! I work hard on these things.

I’ll get one up there yet. I was featured on the Blog once, you know. The Blog! It was awesome. It was a small experiment, and experiments since haven’t gone quite as well but it payed off big and it’ll happen again.

Oh it will, I’m sure of it.

Just need to squeeze out a couple more million words, and some of them are bound to come out in an attractive little mess. I’ve been described that way before, you know. A hot mess, that’s what she said to me. What? Yeah it was a compliment, what do you think she meant?

I know you think you’re better than me, but you’re not. I said it before, I’m a better writer than you.

I am.

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