
Teach me to Live [51]

Ritchie followed Maria out. She led him along the corridor and made a left at the main office. Ritchie had supposed this way the way for the secretaries and staff to go for lodgings or a teacher’s lounge or something. He didn’t have time to take in his surroundings however as Maria urgently pushed him into the nearest closet. A broom greeted Ritchie and pushed further into his back as Maria joined him in the closet and closed the door behind her.
“Weird place for a teacher-student meeting,” Ritchie said.
“I’m not a teacher, I’m barely older than you, I’m 18, I’m a volunteer.” Maria said disdainfully.
“Well then in that case,” Ritchie leaned in and kissed Maria quickly and meaningfully on the lips.
“What was that?”
“A come-on.”
“I didn’t drag you into a broom closet to make out!” Maria nearly shouted.
“Alright, alright! But then why did you drag me in here?”
“Because i don’t want you to end up like Charlie.”

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