
The Book of Mona 13

She was already starting to sweat. She clutched her bag to her chest as she leaned against the car. Luckily she had it sitting in her lap during the ride or she probably would have forgotten it on the seat as fast as she exited the car. Her sister got out a few seconds later. “You ok?”, Pay asked her. “Yeah, why?”. “You look a little flushed, thats all”. “I’m good”, Mona said. She jumped when she heard two doors slam. The guys were just now getting out of the car. They must have been discussing them. That made her nervous. She glanced over at Michael and her heart sped up again. “You ready to go”, Pay asked. “As ready as I’ll ever be”. They all walked up to the house together. The music was so loud it could be heard from the outside. Pay and her date Lenny walked in front, Mona and Michael walked behind them, side by side. She tryed not to glanced over at him but she couldn’t help it. Her heart sunk in her chest when she noticed he was checking out her sister. His eyes focused on her backside.

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