

“You don’t know me!” she yelled. Her eyes were so red from all the tears she had shed, though her face remained as delicate as porcelain. Even in the heat of the fierce battle waged for an hour, I wanted nothing more than to cradle her in my arms. I just wanted to stroke her porcelain skin once more. I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her close to me. As she violently resisted, I held her arms and stared into her hazel eyes. She glared back at me with slackening disdain until she arrived at silent disgust.
“You don’t even care…” she noted quietly, breaking the long held silence.
“Baby, I love you.”
“I think I’ll start a new life,” she stated numbly.
“No, Baby, don’t leave,” I replied, almost in tears, “I need you.”
“I think I’ll start it over where no one knows my name,” as if she heard none of my endless pleas, she mechanically resumed, “I think I need a sunrise, I’m tired of the sunset. I think that I’m just tired. I think I need a new town, to leave this all behind.” With that she was gone forever.

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