
Das Meer

Jonathan’s eyes widened. This ugly creature had behemoth teeth and sharp gills. His sickly hue was impossible to describe.
With a single swipe, Jonathan was unconscious.
“Where is the boy?” A voice yelled. Winnie’s ears were ringing.
“Where is he?” she echoed sleepily. “Jonathan!” She twisted frantically in the bubble. “What have you done with him?” Winnie matched his rage. The figure who stepped into the light looked dumbfounded and frightfully familiar. “Angelo?” she gasped.
“No, I am Das Meer. The great ruler.” He stood tall.
“No, you are Angelo.” Winnie’s brow furrowed.
“Silence! Dare you, daughter of land, declare me a liar?” Das Meer demanded.
“No, I declare you have amnesia and need to tell me where my son is!” She stood up in defiance.
“I am afraid that is impossible at the moment. You see, the boy has escaped.” He casually glanced at his fingernails. “I think it is in your best interest to refrain from insults, dearie. I am the one, afterall, deciding your freedom.”

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