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Then there were the men. The first was Dendros, a werewolf. He was tall and muscular, his skin was tanned a dark chocolate brown and his hair was like lamb’s wool. He had great strength and could regenerate and heal. He enjoyed taking strolls throughout the woods and would often stray off for days or weeks at a time. But Earth always knew where he was.The second was Scortio. His skin was the color of fresh milk and his eyes were a strange auburn that seemed to turn red when he looked into the light. His hair was jet black and quite long, he pulled it back in a ponytail most often and everyone agreed that he was quite attractive. Unfortunately for most, they never saw him in the light. For though he loved the sun and didn’t mind being in brightly-lit rooms, he could never stand them. Scortio was the first vampire He never got to see the light of day and many say they heard him crying at night because of that To this day it is said that when the wind howls it is simply the reminiscent sounds of Scortio’s sobs

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