
Confession [Shocking Dialogue Challenge]

-Can you spare a moment?

-Sure, what do you need?

-Just an ear, maybe some friendly advice.

-OK, why don’t we sit down.

-I’ve been wanting to get this off my chest for some time now…

-Hey, you look upset. Is it something bad?

-More than that. I did something bad.

-Oh, you couldn’t have. I know you, you’re a good person.

-Thanks for the vote of confidence, but maybe you’ll want to hear me out before you make that decision.

-Please, go on.

-OK. You’re not going to believe this, but I killed a man.

- ...

-He was looking at me hard, and well, I – I couldn’t handle that. I’ve always had a short temper, just like my mother.

-I can’t believe you did that.

-Believe me, I’m still in shock, too. But you’ve got to understand. It was the look in his eyes..

-Doctors, what you’ve just witnessed is a classic case of dissociative identity disorder, which was caused as a result of the great emotional duress the patient experienced after killing his father.

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