
Wha… What?

“I said that only one of your hearts is beating,” the Doctor From Who-ville stoically stated.

“Great doctor you are,” Sarah quipped. “Only have one heart.”

“Oh,” sighed the Doctor, “right. Humans…”

Sarah opened her mouth, a reply pausing on her lips. She shook her head, relenting that some questions were best left unspoken. Regarding the strange blue box and the non-Euclidean geometry contained within, Sarah’s tongue couldn’t be held: “What was that, by the way?”

“What was what?” the Doctor asked, surveying the surrounding area quickly.

“That!” Sarah pointed a finger toward the strange blue box.

“Oh,” the man grinned, “that’s my strange blue box. Strange, isn’t it? The inside is bigger than outside, you know?”

“I noticed,” Sarah grunted as the Doctor helped her to her feet. He tugged on her arm, directing her into the strange blue box.

Wave upon wave of alien sights and sounds overwhelmed Sarah once again. And, once again, she fainted.

“Damn,” muttered the Doctor. “Guess our destination is up to me.”

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