
A Practical Guide to Vampirism: Myths and Misconceptions (3-A)

MYTH #3: Vampires Sleep in Coffins

This has a basis in historical fact. In eras past it has been necessary for vampires to take refuge in coffins during daylight hours. It is important, however, to take note of the reasoning for this.

The process by which we are transformed into vampires has the side effect of destroying pigmentation in our skin, rendering us more sensitive to UV rays than when we were human. Caucasian and East Asian vampires tend to be more vulnerable than those of other ethnicities, but everyone should take proper precaution.

Back then, a coffin in a crypt provided vampires with protection from sunlight, as well as security against those not keen on having a vampire as a neighbor. Today, it might be a climate controlled hyperbaric chamber in your bedroom, although for those who may be claustrophobic or just wishing to avoid comparisons to Michael Jackson (who is not a vampire), a well-appointed sub-basement apartment with a dead bolt will do. Anything with no windows.

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