
Into the Light

Why’s it so bright in here? So bright I can’t see anything- what an oxymoron. How did I get here? Oh man, what was I doing last night?

Last night… or morning? Afternoon? It’s so bright, I think it’s day, but I can’t see a thing. Maybe I should focus on figuring out where I am first…

Why can’t I move? My brain’s operating at full speed, but nothing’s leaving it. Am I paralyzed? Oh boy, I’m paralyzed, now I’m never going to get married. I’m going to die a virgin.

Focus! Last thing I remember… Rode to Cory’s party with Claire, drank a bit, felt sick… then what? I was ready to leave, Claire wasn’t, so I left the car and started to walk home. It was dark, and the streetlights were off… “Hey baby,” even tipsy, that sounded like a threat… I resisted, and then… Pain. Did he hit me? If he hit my head, maybe I’m not paralyzed, maybe I’m dead. I don’t think the white light’s supposed to last this long. What’s left? Hit on the hea-

Oh no.


I’m a hostage in my head.

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