
Llama's Quiz Challenge.

If I had to move to another country it would probably be Canada, just to hear everybody say “Eh”.

Hmmm.. ANTM , or as you guys know it, America’s Next Top Model. I’m entering if they still have it when I’m old enough=].

OC, for Organized Chaos.

My bible, because it’s the single most important thing in my household.

An object that would suck any pollution out of the air and could transfer it to make oil. Recyclement mann.

George W. Bush. He’s not dead, you say? Heh heh heh..

Acting. TV shows, more specifically. On Disney Channel. Because that’s the most amazing channel in the world.

10 million today. 5 million in the bank, 2 million divided among my friends, 1 million for shopping sprees, and then the rest for charities.

Shopping spreeeeeeee!


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