
Uncommon Love: Fritz and Cindy [challenge]

There was just something about Fritz. He had a winning smile, gorgeous eyes that shone like diamonds, and silky short locks of sweet smelling hair. I always wanted to hold his hand, to look at him, to guard him jealously.

I really couldn’t believe how lucky I was to meet Cindy. She really loves me for who I am. She wasn’t taken in by her first impression and tried to get to know the real me. At first I couldn’t believe it, but she proved to me over and over that she really was interested in the real me, not just the outside me.

The thing is, everyone else looks at him too. Only they don’t see his charming smile or shining eyes. They look at him and focus only on his form. And when they see us together, they frown or turn away. But I don’t care! I will kiss his lips or put my arm around him in public. They’ll just have to deal with it!

Other people do not understand our relationship. They just can’t fathom why a brilliant, elegant, beauty queen would fall for a man in a wheelchair with spina bifida.

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