
If Only

Deliah was thrown back into the cell. Prince Darsie came to the bars. “Delilah,” he whispered. “I want to help you.” She looked at him with her eyes full of wrath.
“What can you do? Why would you want to help us?” The White Knight came to her side. Darsie’s brow furrowed.
“Do you not believe in the good nature of man?”
“I believe in nothing but songs. They can be altered to suit your needs.”
After the prince had gone, Delilah wept bitterly. This surprised Soapy. She had never thought that anyone besides herself could cry. It was terribly ignorant of her, but she didn’t feel ashamed for thinking so.
Delilah turned to Soapy. “You’re not one of us. Why would you accompany us to such a wretched place?”
“I came from a place much more wretched. I am only happy to have gotten away from it.” Soapy smiled at her. In spite of herself, Delilah smiled back. “I think you should trust Prince Darsie the Good. He didn’t earn his name through evil...”
Delilah nodded slightly.
“My, you are wise.”
“If only…”

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