
The Bitter Binary Blow

Mark froze, mid-sip of his morning coffee.

“What did you just say?”

“0110011101101111011011110110010000100 00001101101011011110111001001101110011 01001011011100110011100101110” Sally repeated.

“0101100101100101011100110010110000100 00001101001011101000010000001101001011 10011” Tony agreed.

“Good God,” Mark closed his eyes, this was a nightmare. Everyone around him was turning binary.

“0101011101101000011000010111010000100 1110111001100100000011101000110100001 0010100100000011100000111001001101111 110001001101100011001010110110100111111” Sally asked. Obviously concerned at Mark’s attempt to pull his hair out and the vague gibbering noises he made.

“0100100101110011001000000111001101101 11101101101011001010111010001101000011 01001011011100110011100100000011101110 111001001101111011011100110011100111111” Tony asked.

“I’ve got to save you. All of you, somehow.” Mark tried to explain, hoping they still understood plain English. “Don’t you see? You’ve been infected by some computer virus…”

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