
Equal Harmony

The five year old opened her new box of crayons. She picked out three crayons to color her drawing of a dog. Her small nimble hands scoured over the box until she finally picked out a brown, white, and black. The colors glided together on the same paper. They all had the same small crumbs building up on the side of it and scattering on the paper as she pushed down on them too hardly. They were differant colors but they were made out of the same indgredients, the same materials. The five year old finished coloring and held up her paper to take a look at her newly finished picture. The dog had euqal amounts of each color on it. That signature five year old grin appeared on her face as she hugged her paper, hapy with her work.
“Wait it needs a name!” she said excitedly. She picked up a blue crayon. Her eyes narrowed as she slowly wrote a name for her picture, saying it out loud as she wrote: Harmony. She taped her picture to the wall in her room as the small brown, black and white dog smiled at her, in harmony.

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