
Her Eyes

Policeman: Ben this is your worst. I knew there was trouble when I heard you were here. Her father might not know you, but I do. Let’s talk.
Ben: You’re taking this way out of hand. I didn’t do anything. How could just trust some random student’s voice?
Ben sent daggers into the eyes of the guy who got the nurse. The kid ran.
Ben: Look, why don’t I just talk to the girl’s father?
The officier sighed and Ben seemed smug, he always won in breaking someone down. Suddenly, Blake appeared again.
Blake: You can’t obviously trust him. Look what he did.
Ben: Stay out of this man.
Blake: No, the nurse woke her up and she can tell the truth.
Blake turned to the policeman.
Blake: Have you even looked at her face? Or her in general? Look in her eyes.
Her eyes could tell you some story, Blake thought to himself.
Policeman: Well, I must go take a look at her. Move on people, there is nothing to see. And Ben come with me, and uh Blake, you too.
Together they walked down the hall to see how Heather was doing.

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