
How To Get Kicked Out Of Walmart (Cat's Challenge)

1) Bring in a squirt gun that looks like a real gun and squirt all the employees in the face.

2) Hop in an old lady’s cart and ask for a ride. Sing obnoxiously.Get the managers attention. When the staff comes to see what the ruckus is, have your friend let loose all the bouncy balls, tennis balls, golf balls, etc. Then frantically drive away, praying for dear life.

3) Come in your basketball clothes and with a basketball and start playing on their demo nets.

4) Clog all their toilets, then get a service clerk to go in there. When they r in a stall, give them a swirly. Then run around the store and laugh maniaclly. Go to the PA sytem and say “Man down! Man down! To the bathroom!”

5) Take a roll of their fabric and let it fly behind you like a cape. Get your friend to act like a damsel in distress and climb on the top of a shelf. Then climb up the shelf and ‘save her’ . Run around the store singing a superhero’s themesong.

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