

She skidded on the ice and her car hit the median.
The car behind her stopped to avoid hitting her car.
The six cars behind him didn’t stop in time and all plowed into each other.

Virginia’s nerves where shot. She had caused the accident. She swerved to avoid hitting the SUV in front of her, successfully.
A man in a Honda four cars back, was hurt.
The police had yet to arrive.
A large man in a Hummer got out and yelled, “Everybody stay where you are, this is a crime scene.”
Either he was an off duty cop, or he watched too many episodes of Law & Order.

A woman in a Toyota, who was neither hit nor involved, wanted to leave the scene, as she didn’t even see the cause of it, but the psuedo police man wouldn’t allow anyone to leave.
They all sat and waited in there vehicles, the sleet, cold night air surrounding them.
Virginia was crying to her husband on the phone.
She was shook up. She was sure that she would be sued.

She watched as an ambulance took the man in the Honda away.

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