

3000 people give up. 3000 people lose all hope. 3000 people are dead inside. Our society has reached its darkness. Its point of death. We were all meant to live for so much more, we are all meant to live for so much more. Our society has stopped us. Our world has lost its original footing. We have lost the roots our country was grown with. We have torn them out and have reached our point of death. Our society no longer abides to the principals once set for us. 3000 people our dead inside. We are entering the age where all hope is being lost, where all salvation of making things right is now forgotten. The choices and movements of the people before us have made a pathway that we no longer follow. That we no longer see. 3000 of us are looking for that path, 3000 of us are not. Over 3000 of us have no idea of the consequences were are setting ourselves up for. 3000 of us need to make a new path. 3000 of us need to follow that path. And over 3000 of us need to remind another 3000 to follow that path.

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