
Ode To Hamst3r_b0y

He finally settled on Hamst3r_b0y as an accurate representation of his misunderstood youth.

This new site was supposed to be free of noobs and would only allow serious bloggers onto the site; somehow he sincerely doubted that was possible. He glanced over the posting rules after logging in under his new user name. In his opinion these ‘rules’ are what was wrong with The Online. What ever happened to the freedom to say whatever the hell you wanted? Didn’t Lincoln say something about that in Declaration of the United States? He chuckled at his historical mismash. Maybe he would make a post on the political site claiming that Lincoln was actually black and that Obama should get off his high horse. That should get someone’s dander up.

“Fuck itâ€? he muttered and got up to straighten up his apartment. He couldn’t think in a mess, and he didn’t fall for that stereotype, that just because you preferred the company of the glowing diodes of interwebbiness that you didn’t mind sitting in your own filth.

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