

With every passing moment in today’s life john never took his eyes off the window. He counted every non sleeping thing that walked passed his sanctuary.
It was only a month old since the government decided to release a new cure for a disease that no one had any worries for until it started killing people off from the living and bringing them back as the dead.
John had counted over a hundred of the living who walked passed look starved and confused. But he didn’t see them a second time. They would always disappear into the unknown.
John had to watch as his wife was taken away from him. Watched his family becoming five o’clock supper. He never felt guilty or remorse just lost and confused. He locked his life away ate whatever was left in the house. With every meal he ate was closing into the last.
John knew his death was in rear view mirror. He didn’t shy away from it. He knew what he needed to do and he accepted it as much as he could.
He would sit and eat. He would count every undead that walked passed.

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