
Watching Them

I sat outside in a last minute rental car, black sedan, seat all the way back, resting until the neighborhood quieted. Devon’s light went out, but the family paced inside. I could make out shadows passing by the draped picture window.

I had been on all night on stake-outs before. It’s not fun, especially alone, without a partner to keep you awake. But some partners insist on talking about the most ridiculous things and I was glad not to have that annoyance. I sipped at a coffee, hoping to ride a caffeine high into the night.

The lights went out one by one shortly after midnight. It was the prime time for a silent and secret getaway by the family. I stared at the points where movement would give them away, the door, the side yard, the garage, the back gate. Nothing.

Did they think their virtue would save them? That by not crossing me tonight, they would tackle a sympathetic jury in court later? Good luck! Boss had connections, and the man wanted his daughter. He was not used to not getting what he wanted.

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