
Silver Revolver Part IV

I felt the snake slowly creep upon my legs threw the night.
I didn’t dare to move nor attempt to kill it for the fear of making a mistake and having it bite me. I grabbed the knife that was near my left thigh, i held it tightly.
The snake was near my stomach when i decided to grab it, i held it in the air i watched as it tried to attack me from the great heights, i slight my knife threw its neck to end its parade of attacks.

The morning sun had come out by the time i had finished cooking the snake, it was a delight to have a different kind of meat then the same old thing.

The sky was getting darker the sun was dieing or it sense no life on this decaying planet, whatever the case may be its gonna be a dangerous journey threw the night.

I would have to start my walk now to have some light.
Things couldn’t get any worse, man made world is crumbling to the bleak of nothing. And i get to be here to watch it all fall down.

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