
Silver Revolver Part IX

I was making my way threw the town when she came creepy upon me, she quietly whispered the words that i have not heard in so long and i was glad someone didn’t forget to say thanks after all what has happened.

There was probably no need to say it but i guess when you do save someones life and give them a second chance in a different world i guess it was a right word to be expressed.

She walked back to where she was laying all day long and just kept on starring, i wish i knew what she was thinking but then again it is best to be left alone.

“The time is now we must leave.” As i express to the girl.

“I must get something first if you let me.” The girl said.

“You may.”

She walked out of sight and came back oh so quickly with a golden locket, she said it belong to her mother she handed it down to her when she was on her dieing bed.

She was so torn and so lost.
She didn’t know what to do.
But she wanted revenge and i didn’t have a clue how to give her that but setting her free when shes strong to fight.

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