
Threesome with a Robot

Josie’s eyes dropped to Tommy Gunn’s waist. “I’ve never made it with a male robot before. What should we do now?” she asked her friend Tara.

“This,” the robot said. He slid across the sheets, climbed on her leg and began vibrating.

“What the hell are you doing? Get off me!”

“Looks like he’s humping your leg, Josie. It’s kind of hot!”

“I know! Get him off! It hurts!”

“Help!” Josie yelled. “Help me!”

“What are you doing, Josie? You’re paying for this! This is hot!”

Josie continued pushing at the robot to free her leg. “It’s humping my leg,” she said, “and it hurts! Help me, Tara! Help!!”

Tara ran back into the kitchen and returned with an iron skillet. “Hold still. I’ll take care of this.” She whacked Josie repeatedly until she lay limp on the linoleum floor.

She rested her head on Tommy’s shoulder. “That bitch doesn’t know how to treat you, you sexy bucket o’ bolts, you.”

Tommy dropped to his knees and put his hand on the Josie’s blood-soaked body. “Why did you kill her, Tara?” he asked.

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