
Silver Revolver Part X

I was watching the young lady attempt to get on her horse but she just kept making her self look foolish, i had held out my hand in for help but she wanted to keep her pride intact.

We were able to ride out of the village before anything else could go wrong.
We rode into the sunlight and never dare to look back.

“I have not fully introduce myself mister. Am Susan Hall.”

“I was from Mexico but when things went all wrong and my parents had died i grabbed the last carry out of the city and hit my way to safety as i was told, but all we manage to get are self into was more shit then we could ever imagine to handle.”

“We had lost two people during the ride to that small village, from the virus we all thought that would be all that would happen to us but we were so wrong. During the first week everything went well but when those mutant things invaded are homes everything went straight to hell. I thought i was a dead goner but they had fed on to many people and had no room for i.”

But thats all in the past now.

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