
"Thank God You're Here"

“Thank God, you’re here!â€?, said Col Bloof, “The Kardonians are advancing, we’re without ammo, and my bowels are acting up, take over command for me Major Grabbins.”

“Sir yes Sir,” said the Major.

The major saluted the departing Colonel, turned his attention to a bedraggled troop before him and exclaimed,” I’ve never seen such a ragtag group of ragamuffins in me whole bloomin life?”
The beleaguered troop looked crestfallen. They thought Col Bloof was a tyrant, now what they had in charge was Attila the Huns descendant.

“Sorriest excuse for a military battalion I’ve ever come across in all me born days. Disgrace utter and complete, worst band of soldiers to ever march into battle,” the Major said.

“In coming,” yelled someone from the rear ranks.

The stunned troops stood silently as their new leader, mortally wounded by a rocket grenade, plopped to the ground at their collective feet.

Col Bloof returned, the soldiers said in unison, “thank God you’re here.”

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