
hitchhike murder

John couldn’t believe what he saw. There on the TV of the little motelroom, was Chance. The man he had met two days ago when he was hitchhiking his way to home from military school. John didn’t understand what was going on so he watched the tape for 5 minutes. But chance was repeading the same sentence over and over again. When John was about to put the TV of to go to bed, suddenly the message on the TV changed.
” Hi, it’s me, the person you have get to known as chance. Well actually that’s not my real name, in fact every thing I’ve told you wasn’t true, I don’t have a nice job, I don’t have a good wife and I absolutely don’t have four smart children.”
At that moment John was getting a little dizzy, the room started to spin round and he had to run to get to the bathroom before he started vomiting. John strumbled back to the room and just made it to the the bed. The only thing he heard before he fainted was chance laughing.
The next morning the police found a man’s body on the side of the motorway.

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