
The Mind Of A Physco

It was all a normal day.
Children had started to play there toys.
Wife was sitting on the couch watching the news.

I had sat on my favorite chair I had the local news paper in my hands.

I had started to black out.
I didn’t know what caused it.

The light was starting to shine into my eyes once again.

My children lay motionless on the floor with severe head trauma.
Blood had appeared on my feet.
My wife was lying near the front door. Blood was forming a pool around her body.

I could feel the inside of me rot.
I had knelt down to puke but nothing came up.

I stumbled my way into the kitchen.
I had picked up a knife.
Without hesitation I had stabbed myself.

I had fallen to the floor.
I could see my family’s bodies lay motionless on the floor.
I had died with there horror stained in my mind.

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