
flute_faerie7's 100th Ficlets Challenge, The Worldy Challenge!

Yay, I have finally reached 100 Ficlets! I never thought I’d actually make it this far, but here I am. Anywayz, back to the challenge. Ok, here it is in a nutshell:

Let’s say there was one thing, and one thing only, that you could do to change the world. What would it be? i.e., stop world hunger or stop pollution. It could even be as far-fetched as created the world’s best lawn mower. It doesn’t really matter. You have to first pick one that you think suits you, then say how you would go about accomplishing said idea. So I hope this gets you thinking and that you have fun!

P.S.- plzz add either my name or ‘worldy challenge’ somewhere in your title.

P.P.S.- I will not be judging this, because any idea to help the world is great indeed.

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