
Kenneth And The Voice

Kenneth was the man you always saw walking down the streets fighting with himself screaming out terror.

He had never told anyone he had bin seeing a dark man who just follows him where ever he had gone.

He also never spoke about the fire he had started that killed his parents.

Kenneth was not a murder he was just a man with priorities the dark figure man had spoken to him to start the fire and he would leave him alone.
When he did not leave Kenneth had started to fight with himself.

Kenneth was starting to miss his parents he had realized they were the only one who understood him. People all around him stood and looked at him like he was a psycho out to eat there children while raping there woman.

He was sane to a point that is.
Kenneth had walked back and fourth in his room in the mental hospital trying to figure out his troubles.
Kenneth did try suicide but was caught he now resides in a big comfy room where he screams and fights with himself. Trying to find some sanity inside of him.

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