
Dialogues With Myself - Patriotism

“Do you think England is the best country in the world?”

“Well, I wouldn’t say that.”

“Is there a country you’d rather have grown up in, another anthem you’d rather sing, another crest you’d rather see on your passport?”

“Well, no but-”

“Then you think it’s the best?”

“I guess so, but I wouldn’t flag wave or anything.”

“Why not?”

“The negative connotations.”

“So you’re going to let other people change what a symbol means for you?”

“I suppose I already have, it’s not just recent events that make me less than proud.”

“You mean the empire?”


“But you weren’t invovled in that, no one you have ever met had the slightest bit of influence on those events. If your father is a criminal does it make you one?”

“No, but other people may be wary of you, they will whisper behind your back.”

“So you’re letting others dictate what you feel, again?”

“That’s not how I’d put it.”

“Yet that doesn’t change what it is.”

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