
The Hotel Murder Case Part Seven

Another day had swept past me, and I had slept on my couch in my office.
With the thoughts of the case so freshly drawn in my mind!

I had a call a little past eight in the mourning.
The corner had an autopsy done on the young skinhead and have found a police issue slug in the boys lower rib on the left side, and another in the skull on the right temple.

I had thought maybe an officer had lost his weapon in the line of duty but no reports came in for a missing gun.

I was hoping for more on the skinhead but once again the men who have done it have took good care on there side of things, and isn’t leaving me with clues to work on.

When I had managed to leave my second home in the dark, I had gone to the coffee shop to drink something real then that cheap coffee crap we are forced to drink every once and awhile.

At the very moment as I was about to drink my coffee I had a call over to a judges home, another murder another case another job I must peer my wondering eyes upon.

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