
The Meeting

The first time they saw the northern lights together (ever for her), was in 1967.

They vowed never to forget that magical time. Two kids hangin’ out in the park just after dark. It wasn’t even time to get home yet when he spotted the green cloud over the highway. They thought it was some weird spill from a truck. The green gave way to a peachy orange then changed again to a brilliant electric blue. Then they guessed what they were witnessing.
They made wishes, listened for sound, sat mesmerised for an hour. When it stopped, they walked home in silence.
“If you see that again,” she said. “meet me at the park”
“Sure, alright,” he replied
“No, I mean it. When ever that happens, I want you to meet me here and we’ll watch together.”
“That would be funny…two old fogies out here in the middle of the night worrying their families.”
‘hehe..ahhh…” She sighed. “Ya, like we’ll live that long!”

They have repeated that same conversation twenty five times. And then , as always, he walks her home.

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