
The Castle Of Night 2: The Strange Man

Slowly, cautiously, Adriana started walking up to the open door. Even she herself couldn’t figure out why she wasn’t running away. It was like she was moving on autopilot; her legs taking one step, then another. She then stepped into the doorway. Looking up, she saw she had to take a flight of stairs to get to the room.

Scared out of her mind, she started the slow ascent to the dark room. Step by step she went on. All of a sudden, the stairs turned into a sort of shaft that sloped downward. The next thing she knew, she was sliding into a room filled with odd trinkets, beakers and such. Shakily standing up, she dusted herself off and tried to take in her surroundings. But before she could even see what all this was for, an odd man with glasses and flyaway gray hair was standing in front of her.

“Hello Adriana, and welcome to my laboratory,” he said in a squeaky voice.

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